
我們根據這些條件 開始進行篩選
就像達爾文的進化論 適者生存
當然有時候 會有一些意外

有人喜歡外貌 有人在乎才華內涵 不論關注的是什麼
誰都不能保證愛情會因這些條件而美好 倒是可以確定會因寂寞失了焦
人為自己的行為理由找合理的藉口 也許是最合乎常理的人性
原本的詭譎 卻在人們自私貪婪曖昧逃避之中 變得正常不過
當所有人都默認 是不是討論對錯都顯得多餘?
心中藏著多少秘密 還是在玩著愛情的遊戲
日復一日 年復一年 不停循環地生活
以為耗盡力氣 以為用盡精力 怎麼還是掩飾不了空虛寂寞侵襲
No matter how hard we look,do we ever see ourselves clearly?
if we're not honesty to ourselves,how could we change sth'?
只會不停渾渾噩噩地在這個循環之中 然後不停納悶訴苦著 怎麼找不到the one?
如果我們不改變什麼 又有什麼資格想要什麼~是自己讓自己深陷其中
hey ,he or she's just not that into you
If he was into you, you would be the bright spot in his hobbibly busy day,
which would be the day he would never be too busy to call you.
don't be the silly guy,plz love urself more~


The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship
of all is the one you have with yourself.
And if you find someone to love the you love,
well, that's just fabulous.


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